
Cranes are essentially migratory birds and can travel great distances without eating.


Cranes are essentially migratory birds and can travel great distances without eating.

Cranes are essentially migratory birds and can travel great distances without eating.


Cranes are substantially migratory birds and can travel bang-up distances without eating.

Cranes are essentially migratory birds and can travel great distances without eating.

Crowned Crane

Cranes are substantially migratory birds and can travel peachy distances without eating.

Narrow border with pictures of people and places.


Narrow border with pictures of people and places.

"The Great Bakery for the United States Army at the Capitol, Washington, D. C.- sketched by our special artist. The public buildings in Washington, during the threatened invasion by the Confederates, were barricaded and fortified. So great was the apprehension of a raid upon the city, that the passageways of the Treasury and the Captiol wre defended by howitzers. The iron plates cast for the dome of the Capitol were set up as breastworks between the columns, where they were supported by heavy timbers. The statuary and the pictures were protected by heaving planking; and the basement of the building was used as a kitchen. When the regiments began to pour in, the public buildings were given as quarters to the troops which came to defend them. The basement of the Capitol, which we illustrate, became first a storehouse, and then a bakery." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Nifty Bakery

"The Great Bakery for the United states of america Army at the Capitol, Washington, D. C.- sketched by our special…

"The Confederate privateer steamer <em>Alabama</em> (290). Helm Raphael Semmes. Our illustration of the <em>Alabama</em> was taken from a photograph while she was at Liverpool, where she was facetiously termed the Emperor of China'southward yacht. The <em>Alabama</em> was built at Birkenhead; she was about 1,200 tons burden, with draught of about 14 feet; her engines built by Laird & Sons, of Birkenhead, 1862. She was a wooden vessel propelled by a screw, copper bottom, about 210 feet long, rather narrow, painted black outside and drab inside; had a round stern, billethead, very little sheer, flushed deck fore and aft; a bridge forward of the smokestack; carried two large black boats on cranes amidships forward of the main rigging; two black quarter boats between the main and mizzen masts, one small black boat over the stern on cranes; the square spars on a gallows between the bridge and foremast showed above the rail. She carried three long 32-pounders on a side, and was pierced for two more amidships; had a 100-pound rifled pivot gun forward of the bridge, and a 68-pound pivot on the main track; had tracks laid forward for a pivot bow gun, and tracks aft for a pivot stern chaser; her guns were of the Blakely pattern, and were manufactured by Wesley & Preston, Liverpool, 1862. She took her armament and crew and most of her officers on board near Terceira. Wester Islands, from an English vessel. Her commander was Raphael Semmes."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Steamer Alabama

"The Confederate privateer steamer Alabama (290). Captain Raphael Semmes. Our illustration…

"The New England flag. This is copied from an old Dutch work, preserved in the library of the New York Historical Society, containing pictures of the flags of all nations. In the original, a divided sphere, representing the earth, is in the quarter where I have placed the pine-tree. I have made the alteration in the device, because in the flag raised upon the bastion of the redoubt on Breed's Hill, the pine-tree occupied the place of the sphere, the more ancient device. The question has been unsettled respecting the flag used on that occasion, as contemporary writers are silent on the subject. An intelligent old lady (Mrs. Manning) whom I saw between the Brandywine and Kennet Square, in Pennsylvania, informed me that her father, who was in the battle, assisted in hoisting the standard, and she had heard him speak of it as a 'noble flag.' The ground was blue, and one corner was quartered by the red cross of St. George, in one section of which was the pine-tree. This was the New England flag, as given in the sketch. Doubtless there were many other flags belonging to the several regiments."—Lossing, 1851

New England Flag

"The New England flag. This is copied from an sometime Dutch work, preserved in the library of the New York…

"Monticello, Governor Jefferson's place of retirement. This venerated mansion is yet standing, though somewhat dilapidated and deprived of its former beauty by neglect. The furniture of its distinguished owner is nearly all gone, except a few pictures and mirrors, otherwise the interior of the house is the same as when Jefferson died. It is upon an eminence, with many aspen-trees around it, and commands a view of the Blue Ridge for one hundred and fifty miles on one side, and on the other one of the most beautiful and extensive landscapes in the world. Wirt, writing of the interior arrangements of the house during Mr. Jefferson's life time, records that, in the spacious and lofty hall which opens to the visitor on entering, 'he marks no tawdry and unmeaning ornaments; but before, on the right, on the left, all around, the eye is struck and gratified by objects of science and taste, so classed and arranged as to produce their finest effect."&mdash;Lossing, 1851


"Monticello, Governor Jefferson's identify of retirement. This venerated mansion is yet standing, though…

"The fame of Theocritus, the prince of bucolic poetry, depends on his faithful pictures of natural scenery and the common Sicilian people. He is generally considered the only poet of the Alexandrean epoch whose works can rank with the brilliant Grecian songs of earlier days." &mdash; The Delphian Society, 1913


"The fame of Theocritus, the prince of bucolic poetry, depends on his faithful pictures of natural scenery…

"Plymouth is a town and county-seat of Plymouth co., Mass.; on Plymouth Bay, 37 miles S. E. of Boston. Plymouth is of importance as the spot where the Pilgrim Fathers landed on Dec. 21, 1620. A portion of the rock on which they first stepped has been placed in front of Pilgrim Hall, in which are preserved old books, paintings, pictures, and other valuable relics. The rock itself is in Water Street, and is covered by a handsome granite canopy."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Plymouth Rock

"Plymouth is a town and county-seat of Plymouth co., Mass.; on Plymouth Bay, 37 miles Southward. E. of Boston.…

A wooden frame with movable pegs, or a sliding rack, on which pictures are placed while being painted.


A wooden frame with movable pegs, or a sliding rack, on which pictures are placed while being painted.

An optical instrument for giving to pictures the appearance of solid forms, as seen in nature.


An optical instrument for giving to pictures the appearance of solid forms, as seen in nature.

"The stereoscope is an instrument for illustrating the phenomena of binocular vision, and for producing from two nearly similar pictures of an object the effect of a single picture with the appearance of relief and solidity that pertains to ordinary vision." — Avery, 1895


"The stereoscope is an instrument for illustrating the phenomena of binocular vision, and for producing…

"Chief veins and arteries of the body. a, place of the heart; the veins are in black. On the right side of the pictures the veins just under the skin oare shown and on the other side the deep vessels near the bones.. b, vessels to the lungs." &mdash;Davison, 1910

Veins and arteries

"Chief veins and arteries of the body. a, place of the centre; the veins are in black. On the right side…

A device used to take pictures, either singly or in sequence, with or without sound recording, such as with video cameras.

Photographic camera

A device used to have pictures, either singly or in sequence, with or without sound recording, such…

Overbeck, (1789-1869) was a neoclassical artist. His pictures were diadactic and he used propaganda in many of his works.

Johann Friedrich Overbeck

Overbeck, (1789-1869) was a neoclassical artist. His pictures were diadactic and he used propaganda…

A scene from the story, <em>Marjorie and Her Papa, How They Wrote a Story and Made Pictures For It</em>.

Marjorie and Her Papa

A scene from the story, Marjorie and Her Papa, How They Wrote a Story and Made Pictures For Information technology.

A girl taking a photograph of a boy in a sailor costume on the beach.

Photograph Shoot

A girl taking a photo of a boy in a crewman costume on the beach.

Japanese silhouettes telling the story of Old Mother Hubbard and her dog.

Old Mother Hubbard

Japanese silhouettes telling the story of Sometime Female parent Hubbard and her canis familiaris.

A group of words or phrase written by figures or pictures of objects whose names resemble in sound the words or syllables of which they are composed. In heraldry a rebus is a device on a coat of arms conveying an allusion to the name of the person, as castles for Castleton, three cups for Butler. The accompanying cut show a rebus on a personal name (not very happy attempts, however), standing for the name Islip.

Rebus of Abbot Islip

A group of words or phrase written by figures or pictures of objects whose names resemble in sound the…

A group of words or phrase written by figures or pictures of objects whose names resemble in sound the words or syllables of which they are composed. In heraldry a rebus is a device on a coat of arms conveying an allusion to the name of the person, as castles for Castleton, three cups for Butler. The accompanying cut show a rebus on a personal name (not very happy attempts, however), standing for the name Oldham (Owledom).

Rebus of Bishop Oldham

A group of words or phrase written by figures or pictures of objects whose names resemble in sound the…

The modern decorative easel is a sloping frame with three or four legs. The front and rear are often connected by hinges to enable the angle of the slope to be altered. The front has a small board that can be adjusted to different heights by pins. Painters and sculptors used it, but it was often made as a decorative piece of furniture to hold pictures and portfolios.

Modern Decorative Easel

The modern decorative easel is a sloping frame with three or 4 legs. The front and rear are often…

Cranes are large, long-legged and long-necked birds of the order Gruiformes, and family Gruidae. Unlike the similar-looking but unrelated herons, cranes fly with necks outstretched, not pulled back. There are representatives of this group on all the continents except Antarctica and South America. Most species of cranes are at least threatened, if not critically endangered, within their range. The plight of the Whooping Cranes of North America inspired some of the first US legislation to protect endangered species.


Cranes are big, long-legged and long-necked birds of the order Gruiformes, and family unit Gruidae. Unlike…

A floating dock is a platform or ramp supported by pontoons. These are usually joined to the shore with a ramp that rests upon the dock on rollers, to adjust for the vertical movement of the dock. The dock is usually held in place by vertical poles embedded in the soil under the water or by anchored cables. Frequently used in marinas for small boats, this type of dock maintains a fixed vertical relationship to watercraft secured to it, independent of tidal, river, or lake elevation. It is less suited for larger craft as the docks cannot support large structures or cranes. In some regions of the world, a floating dock is called a pontoon.


A floating dock is a platform or ramp supported by pontoons. These are ordinarily joined to the shore with…

The Great Seal of the State of Iowa. The seal pictures a soldier in wheat field with the American flag and the Mississippi River in the background. The eagle holds the motto, "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain."

Seal of Iowa

The Bang-up Seal of the State of Iowa. The seal pictures a soldier in wheat field with the American flag…

The Great Seal of the State of Kansas, 1861. The seal pictures a sunrise, a steamboat, plowing, a wagon, Native Americans hunting bison, and the state motto, 'Ad Astra per Aspera' meaning "To the Stars through Difficulties."

Seal of Kansas

The Bang-up Seal of the Country of Kansas, 1861. The seal pictures a sunrise, a steamboat, plowing, a wagon,…

The Great Seal of the State of New Mexico, 1850. The seal pictures the American Bald Eagle and the Mexican Eagle holding a cactus in its talons and a snake in its mouth. Below them is a banner with the state motto, 'Crescit Eundo' meaning "It grows as it goes."

Seal of New Mexico

The Great Seal of the State of New Mexico, 1850. The seal pictures the American Bald Hawkeye and the Mexican…

A jib crane is a type of crane where a horizontal member (jib or boom), supporting a moveable hoist, is fixed to a wall or to a floor-mounted pillar. Jib cranes are used in industrial premises and on military vehicles. The jib may swing through an arc, to give additional lateral movement, or be fixed. Similar cranes, often known simply as hoists, were fitted on the top floor of warehouse buildings to enable goods to be lifted to all floors.

Jib Crane

A jib crane is a type of crane where a horizontal member (jib or boom), supporting a moveable hoist,…

The Fairbairn steam crane is a type of harbourside crane of an 'improved design', patented in 1850 by Sir William Fairbairn. The crane's innovation was in the use of a curved jib, made of riveted wrought iron platework to form a square-section box girder. This could reach further into the hold of a ship, clear of the deep gunwales alongside the quay. A typical size for these cranes would be able to lift 35 tons at a radius of 35 feet (11 m). They were powered by self-contained steam engines, with both boiler and engine mounted on-board the crane.

Fairbairn Steam Crane

The Fairbairn steam crane is a type of harbourside crane of an 'improved design', patented in 1850 by…

The "hammerhead", or giant cantilever, crane is a fixed-jib crane consisting of a steel-braced tower on which revolves a large, horizontal, double cantilever; the forward part of this cantilever or jib carries the lifting trolley, the jib is extended backwards in order to form a support for the machinery and counter-balancing weight. In addition to the motions of lifting and revolving, there is provided a so-called "racking" motion, by which the lifting trolley, with the load suspended, can be moved in and out along the jib without altering the level of the load. Such horizontal movement of the load is a marked feature of later crane design. These cranes are generally constructed in large sizes, up to 350 tons.

Hammerhead Crane

The "hammerhead", or behemothic cantilever, crane is a fixed-jib crane consisting of a steel-braced tower…

An illustration of a portable jib crane. A jib crane is a type of crane where a horizontal member (jib or boom), supporting a moveable hoist, is fixed to a wall or to a floor-mounted pillar. Jib cranes are used in industrial premises and on military vehicles. The jib may swing through an arc, to give additional lateral movement, or be fixed. Similar cranes, often known simply as hoists, were fitted on the top floor of warehouse buildings to enable goods to be lifted to all floors.

Portable Jib Crane

An illustration of a portable jib crane. A jib crane is a type of crane where a horizontal fellow member (jib…

"And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light." Matthew 17:1-2 KJV

The Transfiguration

"And after half-dozen days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his blood brother, and bringeth them up into an high…


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