Can the Flu Like 1918 Happen Again

An unthinkable more than 50 million people worldwide died from the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic commonly known as the "Spanish Flu." It was the deadliest global pandemic since the Black Death, and rare among flu viruses for striking downwardly the young and salubrious, often within days of exhibiting the commencement symptoms. In the United states, the 1918 flu pandemic lowered the average life expectancy by 12 years.

What'due south even more than remarkable about the 1918 influenza, say infectious disease experts, is that information technology never really went away. After infecting an estimated 500 one thousand thousand people worldwide in 1918 and 1919 (a 3rd of the global population), the H1N1 strain that acquired the Castilian influenza receded into the background and stuck around equally the regular seasonal influenza.

But every so oftentimes, direct descendants of the 1918 flu combined with bird influenza or swine influenza to create powerful new pandemic strains, which is exactly what happened in 1957, 1968 and 2009. Those later flu outbreaks, all created in role by the 1918 virus, claimed millions of boosted lives, earning the 1918 flu the odious title of "the female parent of all pandemics."

LISTEN: HISTORY This Week: The Deadliest Pandemic in Modern History

Deadly Virus Struck in Three Waves

WATCH: The 1918 Flu Was Deadlier Than WWI

Jeffrey Taubenberger was office of the pioneering scientific team that start isolated and sequenced the genome of the 1918 flu virus in the late 1990s. The painstaking process involved extracting viral RNA from autopsied lung samples taken from American soldiers who died from the 1918 flu, plus ane diseased lung preserved in the Alaskan permafrost for nearly 100 years.

At present chief of the Viral Pathogenesis and Evolution Section at the National Institutes of Wellness (NIH), Taubenberger explains that genetic analyses of the 1918 flu betoken that it started equally an avian flu and represented a completely new viral strain when it made the jump to humans shortly before 1918. Lab tests of the reconstructed 1918 virus show that in its original form, the virus'south novel encoded proteins made it 100 times more lethal in mice than today'due south seasonal influenza.

The 1918 pandemic struck in 3 distinct waves over a 12-month period. It get-go appeared in the bound of 1918 in North America and Europe largely in the trenches of Earth War I, then reemerged in its deadliest form in the fall of 1918, killing tens of millions of people worldwide from September through November. The concluding wave swept beyond Commonwealth of australia, the The states and Europe in the late winter and leap of 1919.

But did the 1918 flu simply "go away" subsequently that 3rd moving ridge? Absolutely not, says Taubenberger.

READ MORE: Why the Second Moving ridge of the 1918 'Spanish Flu' Was And then Deadly

Virus Mutates Into Seasonal Influenza

1918 flu pandemic

A homo receives a shave from a barber wearing a mask during the ongoing influenza pandemic, Chicago, Illinois, 1918.

Since the whole world had been exposed to the virus, and had therefore adult natural immunity confronting it, the 1918 strain began to mutate and evolve in a procedure chosen "antigenic migrate." Slightly altered versions of the 1918 flu reemerged in the winters of 1919-1920 and 1920-1921, but they were far less mortiferous and near indistinguishable from the seasonal flu.

"The 1918 flu definitely lost its real virulence by the early 1920s," says Taubenberger.

Gyre to Keep

But what'due south truly incredible, according to genetic analyses, is that the same novel strain of influenza first introduced in 1918 appears to be the direct ancestor of every seasonal and pandemic flu we've had over the by century.

"You can still find the genetic traces of the 1918 virus in the seasonal flus that circulate today," says Taubenberger. "Every single homo infection with influenza A in the past 102 years is derived from that one introduction of the 1918 flu."

Welcome to the Pandemic Era

The 1918 flu pandemic was past far the deadliest flu outbreak of the 20th and 21st centuries to date, merely it wasn't the only one to authorize as a pandemic. Even with the appearance of the outset seasonal flu vaccines after World War Ii, the flu virus has proven capable of some unexpected and mortiferous genetic tricks.

In a normal flu flavour, vaccine scientists can track the most active viral strains and produce a vaccine that protects confronting changes in the human flu virus from year to twelvemonth. But every then frequently, viral genes from the animate being kingdom enter the mix.

PHOTOS: Innovative Ways People Tried to Protect Themselves From the Flu

"If one animal is infected with two unlike influenza viruses at the same fourth dimension," says Taubenberger, "perhaps 1 virus from a bird and another from a human, those genes can mix and friction match to create a brand new virus that never existed before."

That's what happened in 1957 when the 1918 flu, which is an H1N1 virus, swapped genes with another bird flu giving us the H2N2 pandemic, which claimed a 1000000 lives worldwide. Information technology happened again in 1968 with the cosmos of the and then-called "Hong Kong Flu," an H3N2 virus that killed another million people.

The and then-called "Swine Flu" pandemic of 2009 has an even deeper backstory. When humans became infected with the 1918 pandemic flu, which was originally a bird influenza, nosotros besides passed it on to pigs.

"One branch of the 1918 flu permanently adapted to pigs and became swine influenza that was seen in pigs in the Usa every year later 1918 and spread effectually the world," says Taubenberger.

READ MORE: v Difficult-Earned Lessons From Past Pandemics

In 2009, a strain of swine flu swapped genes with both homo influenza and avian flu to create a new diverseness of H1N1 flu that was "more like 1918 than had been seen in a long fourth dimension," says Taubenberger. Around 300,000 people died from the 2009 influenza pandemic.

All told, if 50 to 100 one thousand thousand people died in the 1918 and 1919 pandemic, and tens of millions more than have died in the ensuing century of seasonal flus and pandemic outbreaks, and so all of those deaths can be attributed to the single and accidental emergence in humans of the very successful and stubborn 1918 virus.

"We're still living in what I would telephone call the '1918 pandemic era' 102 years afterwards" says Taubenberger, "and I don't know how long information technology will terminal."

READ MORE: Meet all pandemic coverage here.


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